CHRISTMAS ORDER - 6dz Un-shucked Bistro | 55s
Freshly harvested by the Farmer at Coffin Bay Oyster Farm our Pacific Oysters are delivered fresh direct from South Australia's Eyre Peninsula ready for you to enjoy fresh from the salty sea waters of the farm.
Just that little bit more Oyster- The aroma of this medium sized oyster is likened to a intensely sweet ocean retreat. Fresh clean ocean with cucumber and fresh fish notes; Sweet-savoury lingers. Plump, bright, creamy with a hint of pink and a dark mantle which will leave you feeling like you're on the deck, with a local Sauvignon blanc watching the tide roll in.
Check out our website for all the details about your oysters and seafood, see our story and why we are so passionate about serving the freshest, most delicate seafood to you, wherever you may be! Learn more about why your exact oysters taste, smell and look a certain way, where they came from and how to eat them!
Collection Options
To ensure optimized freshness you will be prompted to input your choose date and time for collection along with the location upon check out. View the location and store hours of our Seafood Centre's. Coffin Bay Oyster Farm delivers fresh oysters to Coffin Bay Seafood Centre Port Wakefield each week on Wednesday and Sunday.
Product Care and Storage
- Transporting you seafood home in a cooler with enough ice blocks or ice to keep it chilled (if you forget we have foam esky's and ice packs for sale in store)
- Once home put the Oysters in the fridge in a covered container. Oysters are a perishable product. Live pacific oysters must be kept refrigerated below 10°C.
- Once shucked, refrigerate your pacific oysters below 5°C until they’re consumed.
- Remember to enjoy your fresh oysters within 7-10 days of harvest unless you’re freezing them.
- Freeze Oysters sitting in upright position to ensure they hold onto their water.
- Frozen oysters must be eaten or cooked (above 65°C) immediately once thawed.
- Dispose of oyster shells thoughtfully.
Nutrition Information
Farmed pacific oysters have naturally high levels of many nutrients which contribute to a healthy lifestyle.
- A good source of Omega 3 fatty acids (specifically EPA+DHA) contain anti-inflammatory properties which can reduce the risk of heart disease and arthritis symptoms and are believed to reduce the risk of developing some cancers.
- A source of Iron to support female sub groups (menstruating women, pregnant women, teenagers and athletes) as well as babies and toddlers.
- A source of Magnesium to help maintain normal muscle and nerve function and support healthy immune system.
Fun fact - 100g of Pacific Oysters equals the same Omega 3 as 2500 grams Chicken Breast